전체 글(280)
문명6 (Sid meier Civilization VI) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/289070/Sid_Meiers_Civilization_VI/?l=koreana Save 95% on Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI on SteamCivilization VI is the newest installment in the award winning Civilization Franchise. Expand your empire, advance your culture and go head-to-head against history’s greatest leaders. Will your civilization stand the test of time?store.steampowered.com
2024.12.29 -
띠 별 궁합, 띠궁합
좋음보통나쁨상극쥐소, 용, 원숭이쥐, 호랑이, 뱀, 개, 돼지토끼, 닭, 양말소쥐, 뱀, 닭소, 호랑이, 토끼, 원숭이, 돼지용, 개양호랑이말, 개, 돼지쥐, 소, 호랑이, 토끼, 용, 양뱀, 닭원숭이토끼양, 개, 돼지소, 호랑이, 토끼, 뱀쥐, 용, 원숭이, 말닭용쥐, 원숭이, 닭호랑이, 뱀, 말, 양소, 토끼, 용, 돼지개뱀소, 닭쥐, 토끼, 용, 뱀, 말, 양호랑이, 원숭이, 개돼지말호랑이, 양, 개용, 뱀, 원숭이, 닭, 돼지소, 토끼, 말쥐양토끼, 말, 돼지호랑이, 용, 뱀, 양, 원숭이, 닭쥐, 개소원숭이쥐, 용소, 말, 양, 원숭이, 닭, 개토끼, 뱀, 돼지호랑이닭소, 용, 뱀말, 양, 원숭이, 돼지쥐, 호랑이, 닭, 개토끼개호랑이, 토끼, 말쥐, 원숭이, 개, 돼지소, 뱀, 양, 닭용돼지호..
2024.12.26 -
천간충, 지지충, 천간합, 지지합, 지지삼합, 지지방합, 반합, 형충파해합, 오행별 숫자
1. 천간충, 지지 충천간충내가 극하는 오행 중에서 음양이 같은것 나를 극하는 오행 중에서 음양이 같은것지지충( 지지충은 각각 자신으로부터 7번째 지지와 충하게 된다.) 갑경충 (甲庚沖) : 경금(+)이 갑목(+)을 극함 자오충(子午沖) 을신충 (乙辛沖) : 신금(-)이 을목(-)을 극함 축미충(丑未沖) 병임충 (丙壬沖) : 임수(+)가 병화(+)를 극함 인신충(寅申沖) 정계충 (丁癸沖) : 계수(-)가 정화(-)를 극함 묘유충(卯酉沖) 무임충 (戊壬沖) : 무토(+)가 임수(+)를 극함 진술충(辰戌沖) 갑무충 (甲戊沖) : 갑목(+)이 무토(+)를 극함 사해충(巳亥沖) 을기충 (乙己沖) : 을목(-)이 기토(-)를 극함 병경충 (丙庚沖) : 병화(+)가 경금(+)을 극함 ..
2024.12.20 -
삼재(三災) 조견표
연도삼재띠들삼재눌삼재날삼재사(뱀)오(말)미(양)해(돼지) 묘(토끼) 미(양)신(원숭이)유(닭)술(개)인(호랑이) 오(말) 술(개)해(돼지)자(쥐)축(소)사(뱀) 유(닭) 축(소)인(호랑이)묘(고양이)진(용)신(원숭이) 자(쥐) 진(용)생지왕지고지 좀 더 쉽게 보자면...해 ▶자 ▶축 ▶인 ▶묘 ▶진 ▶사 ▶오 ▶미 ▶신 ▶유 ▶술 ▶사유축신자진해묘미인오술 삼재 안에서도 복삼재, 평삼재, 악삼재가 따로 있어자신의 노력으로 복, 평, 악이 나뉘어 지므로삼재에 연연하지 말고 자신을 믿고 힘껏 노력하면 복삼재로 마무리 될 수 있습니다.
2024.12.19 -
모탈컴뱃1 클래식 (Mortal Kombat 1 Classic) 기술표
JONNIE CAGE그린파이어볼: ←→ + HP셰도우킥: ←→ + LK스플리트펀치: BL + LPFATALITY: (근접)→→→ + HP KANO블레이드슬러거: (BL)←→롤링어택: (BL)시계방향으로 레버1회전FATALITY: (근접)←↓→ + LP RAIDEN토르페도: ←←→라이트닝볼트: ↓→ + LP텔레포트: ↓↓↑FATALITY: (근접)→←←← + HP LIU KANG파이어볼: →→ + HP플라잉킥: →→ + HKFATALITY: (BL)시계방향으로 레버1회전 SCORPION텔레포트펀치: ↓← + HP스피어: ←← + LPFATALITY: (BL)↑↑ SUBZERO아이스블라스트: ↓→ + HP슬라이드: ← + LP + LK + BLFATALITY: (근접)→↓→ + HP SONYA BLADE레그..
2024.12.18 -
로비츠(LOWICZ) 로위키 수입 멸균 우유 후기
기존에 먹던 우유는 아래.. https://happylife7777777.tistory.com/entry/%ED%8F%B4%EB%9E%80%EB%93%9C-%EC%88%98%EC%9E%85%EC%9A%B0%EC%9C%A0-%EB%AF%88%EB%A0%88%EC%BD%94%EB%B9%84%ED%83%80-%EA%B0%84%EB%8B%A8-%ED%9B%84%EA%B8%B0 폴란드 수입 우유 믈레코비타 간단 후기오픈마켓에서 1리터 12팩 17,900원에 구입!! 기존에 먹던 우유는 메일우유 900ml 일반형!! 참고로 본인은 유당불내증이 있어 락토프리가 아니면 설사를 함. 메일우유는 락토프리가 아니라도 괜찮happylife7777777.tistory.com 가격은 믈레코비타가 조금 더 비싼 편입니다.로위키는 ..
2024.12.17 -
이스 8 라크리모사 오브 다나 (イース Ⅷ ラクリモサ・オブ・ダーナYs Ⅷ: Lacrimosa of DANA) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/579180/Ys_VIII_Lacrimosa_of_DANA/?l=koreana Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA on SteamYs returns with a brand new adventure for the first time in 8 years! Adol awakens shipwrecked and stranded on a cursed island. There, he and the other shipwrecked passengers he rescues form a village to challenge fearsome beasts and mysterious ruins on thestore.steampowered.com
2024.12.17 -
이스 9 몬스트룸 녹스 (イース Ⅸ モンストルム・ノクスYs Ⅸ: Monstrum NOX) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1732330/_IX/?l=koreana Ys IX -Monstrum NOX- on SteamYs IX, the high-speed action RPG known for its exhilarating battles and adventure powered by special abilities, is now available on Steam®!store.steampowered.com
2024.12.17 -
이스 : 셀세타의 수해 (イース セルセタの樹海Ys: Memories of Celceta) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/587110/Ys_Memories_of_Celceta/ Ys: Memories of Celceta on SteamWorld-famous red-haired adventurer Adol Christin awakens in the unfamiliar land of Celceta, remembering nothing more than his name. Join Adol and his new friends as he embarks on an adventure to map the wilderness and reclaim his memories in this beloved astore.steampowered.com
2024.12.17 -
용과 같이 5 꿈을 이루는 자 (龍が如く5 夢、叶えし者Yakuza 5) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1105510/_5/?l=koreana&curator_clanid=44788758 Yakuza 5 Remastered on SteamGet ready for a Yakuza experience of unprecedented scale! Follow five characters across five Japanese cities, each trying to achieve their dream. The connections between them bring them together, but the conflict that unfolds is nothing any of them could hstore.steampowered.com
2024.12.17 -
용과 같이 4 전설을 잊는 자 (龍が如く4 伝説を継ぐものYakuza 4) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1105500/_4/?l=koreana Yakuza 4 Remastered on SteamWhen a dark secret brings a loan shark, a death-row inmate, a corrupt cop and the legendary yakuza Kazuma Kiryu together the resulting war in Kamurocho might level the district to the ground.store.steampowered.com용과같이4 사양운영 체제: Windows 10프로세서: Intel Core i5-3470 또는 AMD FX-6300메모리: 4 GB RAM그래픽: GeForce GTS 450, 1GB
2024.12.17 -
용과 같이 3 (龍が如く 3 | Yakuza 3) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1088710/Yakuza_3_Remastered/ Yakuza 3 Remastered on SteamKazuma Kiryu has earned his retirement on the sandy beaches of Okinawa. But when a deadly power struggle arrives on his doorstep, he’ll have to walk the streets of Kamurocho to escape his past for good. Complete The Dragon of Dojima’s journey.store.steampowered.com 용과 같이 3 리마스터 사양 운영 체제: Windows 10프로세서: I..
2024.12.17 -
팰월드 (Palworld) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1623730/Palworld/?l=koreana Save 25% on Palworld on SteamFight, farm, build and work alongside mysterious creatures called "Pals" in this completely new multiplayer, open world survival and crafting game!store.steampowered.com구분최소 사양권장 사양운영체제Windows 10 or later 64-bit프로세서Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4 GHz 4 CoreIntel Core i9-9900K 3.6 GHz 8 Core메모리16 GB RAMSteam: 32 G..
2024.12.14 -
노 맨즈 스카이 (NO MΛN'S SKY) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/275850/No_Mans_Sky/?l=koreana&curator_clanid=28592279 Save 60% on No Man's Sky on SteamNo Man's Sky is a game about exploration and survival in an infinite procedurally generated universe.store.steampowered.com시스템 요구 사항구분최소 사양운영체제Windows 10 / 11 64-bit프로세서Intel Core i3AMD equivalent메모리8 GB RAM그래픽 카드NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GBAMD Radeon RX 470 4GBIntel UHD graph..
2024.12.14 -
니드포스피드 히트 (Need For Speed Heat) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1222680/Need_for_Speed_Heat/ Need for Speed™ Heat on SteamHustle by day and risk it all at night in Need for Speed™ Heat Deluxe Edition, a white-knuckle street racer, where the lines of the law fade as the sun starts to set.store.steampowered.com 최소권장운영체제Windows 10프로세서Intel Core i5-3570AMD FX-6350Intel Core i7-4790AMD Ryzen 3 1300X그래픽 카드NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760AM..
2024.12.14 -
모탈컴뱃11 (Mortal Kombat 11) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/976310/Mortal_Kombat_11/ Mortal Kombat 11 on SteamMortal Kombat is back and better than ever in the next evolution of the iconic franchise.store.steampowered.com
2024.12.14 -
마운트 앤 블레이드2 배너로드 (Mount & Blade 2: BANNERLORD)트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/261550/Mount__Blade_II_Bannerlord/ Save 50% on Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord on SteamA strategy/action RPG. Create a character, engage in diplomacy, craft, trade and conquer new lands in a vast medieval sandbox. Raise armies to lead into battle and command and fight alongside your troops in massive real-time battles using a deep but intuitstore.steampowered.com시..