전체 글(285)
파이널 판타지 16 (ファイナルファンタジーⅩⅥFINAL FANTASY ⅩⅥ) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2515020/FINAL_FANTASY_XVI/ Save 25% on FINAL FANTASY XVI on SteamAn epic dark fantasy where fates are decided by mighty Eikons and the Dominants who wield them. This is the tale of Clive Rosfield, a tragic warrior who swears revenge on the Dark Eikon Ifrit, a mysterious entity that leaves naught but calamity in its wakestore.steampowered.com시스템 요구 사항구분최소 사양권장 사..
2024.12.02 -
령 제로 월식의 가면 (零ゼロ ~月蝕の仮面~Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2130460/FATAL_FRAME__PROJECT_ZERO_Mask_of_the_Lunar_Eclipse/ FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse on SteamJapanese survival horror game "FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse" is back with better graphics.store.steampowered.com시스템 요구 사항구분최소 사양권장 사양운영체제Windows 10, 11 64-bit프로세서Intel Core i5-4460or overIntel Core i7-4770or over메모리..
2024.12.02 -
령 제로 누레가라스의 무녀 (零ゼロ ~濡鴉ノ巫女~Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water) 트레이너
https://steamcommunity.com/app/2130460/reviews/?l=koreana&browsefilter=toprated Steam 커뮤니티 :: FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Mask of the Lunar EclipseFATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse - FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse Digital Deluxe EditionThe Digital Deluxe Edition Set Includes:●“FATAL FRAME / PROJECT ZERO: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse” (full game)●”FATAsteam..
2024.12.02 -
윈도우즈10 타일 아이콘 꾸미기 Tileiconifier
https://github.com/Jonno12345/TileIconifier GitHub - Jonno12345/TileIconifier: Creates tiles for most Windows 8.1 and 10 start menu iconsCreates tiles for most Windows 8.1 and 10 start menu icons - Jonno12345/TileIconifiergithub.com 이런식으로 윈도우즈 타일을 예쁘게 꾸밀 수 있는 앱 입니다.프로그램 자체가 직관적이라 사용법이 어렵지 않으므로 누구나 몇 번 하다보면 쉽게 변경이 가능합니다.
2024.12.01 -
EXE 설치 파일 (인스톨쉴드, 인스톨러) 제작 프로그램 정리
1. 스마트 인스톨 메이커 (Smart Install Maker)http://www.sminstall.com/ Smart Install Maker - Custom setup files made easy www.sminstall.comLicense : commercial (상용)디자인 : 21세기 초에 많이 쓰던 디자인난이도 : 쉬움 한글패치 : https://blog.naver.com/cyydo96/30159265192 Smart Install Maker 5.04 한글패치Smart Install Maker 5.04 한글패치 3~5개 정도 빼곤 전부 한글이며 이용하시는데에는 크...blog.naver.com 2. Nsis https://nsis.sourceforge.io/Download D..
2024.12.01 -
검은 신화 오공 (黑神话: 悟空Black Myth: Wukong) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2358720/_/?l=koreana Black Myth: Wukong on SteamBlack Myth: Wukong is an action RPG rooted in Chinese mythology. You shall set out as the Destined One to venture into the challenges and marvels ahead, to uncover the obscured truth beneath the veil of a glorious legend from the past.store.steampowered.com시스템 요구 사항구분최소 사양권장 사양운영체제Windows 10 64-bit프로세서Intel Core i..
2024.11.30 -
스토커2 초르노빌의 심장부 (STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1643320/STALKER_2_Heart_of_Chornobyl/?l=koreana S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl on SteamDiscover the vast Chornobyl Exclusion Zone full of dangerous enemies, deadly anomalies and powerful artifacts. Unveil your own epic story as you make your way to the Heart of Chornobyl. Make your choices wisely, as they will determine your fate in the end.store.steampow..
2024.11.30 -
앨런 웨이크2 (Alan Wake 2) 트레이너
https://store.epicgames.com/ko/p/alan-wake-2시스템 요구 사항Windows구분최소 사양권장 사양운영체제Windows 10 64-bit프로세서[7]Intel i5-7600K또는 동급의 AMD 제품Ryzen 7 3700X또는 동급의 Intel 제품메모리16GB RAM그래픽 카드[8]NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070AMD Radeon RX 5600 XTNVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060AMD Radeon RX 6600 XTAPIDirectX 12저장 공간SSD 90GB 여유 공간
2024.11.30 -
사일런트 힐2 (サイレントヒル 2, SILENT HILL 2 Remake) 리메이크 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2124490/SILENT_HILL_2/ Save 20% on SILENT HILL 2 on SteamInvestigating a letter from his late wife, James returns to where they made so many memories - Silent Hill. What he finds is a ghost town, prowled by disturbing monsters and cloaked in deep fog. Confront the monsters, solve puzzles, and search for traces ostore.steampowered.com시스템 요구 사항구분최소 사양권장 사양운영체제Win..
2024.11.30 -
게임 역사상 가장 드라마틱한 "드래곤 나이트4" 스토리
2024.11.28 -
2024 - 2025년 10만원 미만 가성비로 불릴만한 스피커 3가지 추천
https://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=67622831 [다나와] AIYIMA S400 (해외구매)최저가 65,910원prod.danawa.com간단 스펙2way 액티브 스피커 (1인치 트위터, 3인치 우퍼)ABS 소재 알루미늄 & 페이퍼 콘출력 100w (50w *2) 88dB (다나와 기준)출력 80w (40w *2) 80dB (공식 판매처 기준)주파수 대역 45Hz - 20KHz임피던스 8Ω 입력 블루투스 5.3, RCA, USB, 광출력2.64kg리모컨 입력 옵션이 다양하고, 성능 대비 6만원대 라는 가격이 매리트 있어 보입니다. https://prod.danawa.com/info/?pcode=44492495 [다나와] BESTISAN SR06 (해외구매)최저가 82,0..
2024.11.27 -
캐피탈리즘 랩 (Capitalism Lab) 치트엔진 트레이너
https://www.capitalismlab.com/ Capitalism Lab – World's #1 Business Simulation GameCapitalism Lab is the successor to the award-winning business simulation game Capitalism 2 with tons of new features, offering an exciting journey into the world of big business!www.capitalismlab.com
2024.11.27 -
코드 베인 (Code Vein) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/678960/CODE_VEIN/?l=koreana CODE VEIN on SteamIn the face of certain death, we rise. Team up and embark on a journey to the ends of hell to unlock your past and escape your living nightmare in CODE VEIN.store.steampowered.com시스템 요구 사항구분최소 사양권장 사양운영체제Windows 7 SP1, Windows 10 64-bit프로세서Intel Core i5-2300AMD equivalentIntel Core i5-7400AMD Ryzen 3 2200G메모리6 GB RA..
2024.11.26 -
시리우스 샘4 플래닛 배드에스 (Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/257420/Serious_Sam_4/?l=koreana Serious Sam 4 on SteamSerious Sam 4 reignites the classic FPS series in a high-powered prequel loaded with an explosive arsenal, intergalactic carnage, and perfectly timed one-liners.store.steampowered.com시스템 요구 사항구분최소 사양권장 사양운영체제Windows 10 64-bitWindows 10 64-bit (1909)프로세서4-core CPU @ 2.5 GHz8-core CPU @ 3.3 GHz메모리8 GB RAM16 GB..
2024.11.26 -
스타 오션 세컨드 스토리 R (スターオーシャン: セカンドストーリー RSTAR OCEAN: THE SECOND STORY R) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2238900/STAR_OCEAN_THE_SECOND_STORY_R/?l=koreana STAR OCEAN THE SECOND STORY R on SteamIn this science fantasy RPG, choose between Claude or Rena, play through their perspectives, and unlock various endings. Recruit allies and defeat foes in fast paced real-time battles.store.steampowered.com시스템 요구 사항구분최소 사양권장 사양운영체제Windows 10 / 11 64-bit프로세서Intel Core i3-3210A..
2024.11.26 -
슬리핑 독스 디피니티브 에디션 (Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/307690/Sleeping_Dogs_Definitive_Edition/?l=koreana&curator_clanid=1012195 Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition on SteamThe Definitive Edition of the critically acclaimed, award winning open-world action adventure, reworked, rebuilt and re-mastered for the new generation. With all previously available DLC included and a wealth of tech and visual improvements, Hong ..
2024.11.26 -
그랜드 테프트 오토 5 GTA V (Grand Theft Auto V) 트레이너
https://store.steampowered.com/app/271590/Grand_Theft_Auto_V/?l=koreana Grand Theft Auto V on SteamGrand Theft Auto V for PC offers players the option to explore the award-winning world of Los Santos and Blaine County in resolutions of up to 4k and beyond, as well as the chance to experience the game running at 60 frames per second.store.steampowered.com시스템 요구 사양구분최소 사양권장 사양운영체제Windows 10 64비트프로..